Meet The Team

bradley wolff chiropractor

About Dr. Wolff

Dr. Wolff has practiced in Palm Springs exclusively since his licensure in 1987. He completed his training and internship at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles. Dr. Carl Cleveland, a pioneering contemporary of B.J. Palmer, founded the Los Angeles and Missouri schools with a backbone of strong clinical discipline and an unwavering belief in traditional chiropractic philosophy and treatment.

Throughout the course of his practice, Dr. Wolff has gathered extensive experience in treating sports injuries. He served as Associate Team Chiropractor from 1987-90 for College Of the Desert, Team Chiropractor for the Palm Springs Suns professional baseball team and the Palm Springs Heat football team. In addition, he has been on-site as doctor for numerous sporting events including the Senior Olympics (basketball), Junior Wrestling and G.S.G.R.A. Rodeo. He has treated golfers in the P.G.A. and on the L.P.G.A. Tour.

Dr. Wolff was selected by the State and National Board of Chiropractic Examiners to serve as a Board Examiner, giving the clinical licensure exam to prospective chiropractors. Also, as an Examiner, Dr. Wolff advises the Board about the “Standard Of Care” for chiropractors when complaints about another chiropractor are filed. Service for the Board is voluntary, and payment is quite small. But it’s not about getting paid to be a Board Examiner that inspired Dr. Wolff to undertake this effort, it’s about giving back to his profession and helping to ensure the future of modern chiropractic.

When not working in the office, Dr. Wolff enjoys a near-endless variety of activities that includes golf, fishing, shooting, motorcycles (dirt and the Harley), rocketry (yes, he is a rocket scientist!), reading and fixing up the house. Dr. Wolff is an Army Veteran, having served three years as an Infantryman. He is a member of the Association for the History of Chiropractic, and collects old medical and chiropractic apparatus for display in the office.

The Team


Linda Velez

Office Manager

Amy Wolff

Front Office